‘Remote Kimberley has been a Wild Adventure’

So far, living and teaching in the remote Kimberley has been a wild adventure. Mid 2022, my husband and I decided that we needed a change, a life altering experience. I had taught in a variety of remote and city schools for over 12 years, that were great, but it was time for something more enriching and rewarding to set the soul on fire. I especially wanted to feel valued and needed and like I was helping to make a change in young peoples lives.

We drove all the way from QLD to Perth, with our well equipped camping setup, stopping at some beautiful locations along the way like the Nullarbor, Esperance and Margaret River. But, on our arrival to Perth we learned that the Fitzroy Bridge had been washed away, it was devastating to hear about the hardships people were facing, it also meant that our only route into our new community had been destroyed. So we tracked back across the Great Central Road and up through the Northern Territory stopping at Uluru and Mataranka Hot Springs. We did over 11, 000km to get to our new community, but it was certainly worth it. The drive into our community was stunning! We literally both shed tears at the sight of the rolling hills, red rocky peaks, and crystal clear waters that ran beneath tufts of spinifex grass and hanging paperbark trees.

We are settling in nicely, the teaching staff, Gija staff and principal have been phenomenal and supportive. On arrival we were welcomed by our students with Mantha smoking ceremony to ensure our safety here on their country. I am the high school teacher, my class is the Nawarrarram class aka big kids. It has been challenging to adapt to a new teaching style and new environment, but it’s certainly been rewarding. My favourite part of the curriculum is On Country Learning were we take our students out fishing and swimming. There are many learning experiences along the way and on return, such as bush skills, map making, artworks and recount writing. My husband and I are certainly looking forward to the year ahead.

Helen - Remote Kimberley Teacher

Placed by Footprint Placements


‘A Little Piece of My Heart Was Left in Both Communities’